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Pest Control | Useful Tips for Chicago Businesses

ServiceMaster Pest Control Tips for Business - servicemaster restoration by simons - chicago

Pest Control Tips For Chicago Businesses – ServiceMaster Restoration By Simons – Chicago, IL


Pest Control is a real issue in Chicago’s commercial buildings and businesses. ServiceMaster Restoration By Simons has some rather valuable tips for Chicago businesses and commercial property managers. As a USGBC-certified “green cleaning” service provider, we take the environment seriously. ServiceMaster Restoration By Simons has been Chicago’s trusted name in Cleaning and Restoration for almost 100 years.


How Weather Affects Pest Behavior. Ants, after a rain shower, roaches when it gets dry? Learn how weather patterns impact pesky pests.

Help Keep The Pests Away.

Weather conditions in your area are hot and humid or cool and dry; your weather directly affects pests and their activities. Learn how the weather patterns can influence pest behaviors:

Rainy, Wet Weather—Expect an increase in the number of pests entering buildings during rainy, wet weather. Moisture promotes pest reproduction and growth. Pests invade buildings for three specific needs: food, water, and shelter. Therefore, additional pests mean a greater need for food sources, reaching beyond their normal habitat to find food.

Rainfall and Flooding – Insects retreat from flooded soil to seek dry ground. And where can the dry ground be found? Inside structures, of course. Typically, pests will look for shelter in wall voids and under foundations, sometimes relocating entire colonies.

Dry Conditions—While wet conditions promote pest reproduction, dry conditions find pests looking for water sources. The chance of pests may be smaller, but pests will be relentless in their search for water for survival.

Cool or Cold Weather—Warmth indoors may attract pests into the indoor environment. Cold temperatures often affect the survival of many types of pests, and they will seek the warmth and shelter of buildings.


Preventing Pest Infestations. Many simple techniques can help reduce your likelihood of a pest infestation. Keep your commercial property pest-free.

Preventing pest infestations doesn’t have to be a chore. There are some simple precautions a building owner or property manager may take to help reduce the likelihood:

  • Seal exterior cracks to help prevent ants, spiders, and cockroaches.
  • Ensure all doors and windows are properly sealed.
  • Food waste should be properly disposed of in a central location.
  • Remove debris, stones, and dirt from exterior doorways and walkways.

Ultimately, steps that help safeguard your building from the elements also help prevent pest infestations. A little forward-thinking now can benefit you and your building in the future.


Fly, Rodent, and Bird Control. In addition to ants and other insects, commercial buildings often need to manage flies, rodents, and birds to keep these pests out of the indoor environment.

Successfully controlling flies, rodents, and birds requires a comprehensive approach, as these pests can often be a nuisance for businesses. Here are a few tips to help keep your commercial property free of these pests and customer-ready at all times.

Fly Control –Flies are primarily attracted indoors by food waste and ultraviolet (UV) light. Ensure trash receptacles and dumpsters are placed away from the building. Consider installing self-closing devices on exterior doors. You can even install insect light traps (ILTs). Note: based on your facility and any governmental regulations, contact a service professional to determine the proper type and placement of ILTs.

Rodent Control—Your business’s availability of food and shelter makes it a prime target for rats and mice. Eliminate trash and debris, arrange for regular trash pick-up, and regularly mow grasses near the facility. Also, consider weather-stripping doors and sealing any exterior cracks.

Bird Control – Bird droppings, feathers, and eggs can damage property, nests can clog pipes and vents, and some birds have been linked to disease. Exterior bird control techniques include wire barriers and/or bird spikes on building ledges, bird shock, and bird control gel.


What You Can Do to Avoid Pesky Pests. If your building or business has unpleasant “non-paying” tenants of the four- or six-legged variety, here are some tips to help serve that eviction notice.

Pests can make the difference between a pleasant building to work in and one that constantly seeks tenants. Rats, roaches, flies, ants, and sometimes birds are not only unsightly but also unhealthy.

Even if you use a professional pest control service, there are some things you can (and should) do to reduce the problem.

  • Seal cracks and holes around the building. Many infestations come from the outside first. Examine from both the outside and the inside (looking for light leaks). Be diligent—rats can enter through a hole as small as a quarter, and Mice through a hole as small as a pencil. (Imagine how little it takes for roaches!).
  • Tighten exterior doors. Check weather stripping and edges. (Note how little space can be a problem in the step above.
  • Keep exterior doors closed. (Obvious? Yes, but many buildings forget.)
  • Remove sources of moisture, repair leaks, keep mops off floors, and don’t let water stand in sinks or buckets overnight.
  • Take extra care in any food preparation areas. Don’t let ‘food trash’ stay in the office overnight. Clean countertops, floors, and hard-to-reach areas behind equipment.
  • Cockroaches LOVE cardboard! Discard boxes after emptying them. Check incoming boxes and supplies for bugs.
  • Keep dumpsters regularly cleaned. Keep them as far away from the building as you can.
  • When the pest control technician visits, make sure he or she has access to all areas where pests can linger.

For environmentally “green cleaning” and disaster restoration services, such as Water Damage Restoration or Fire Damage Restoration, call ServiceMaster Restoration By Simons immediately at 773-376-1110 or visit our website.